Saturday, May 3, 2008

Iron Man

For those of you who don't want to waste their precious internet time reading a whole review and synopsis of Iron Man - I have written a review just for you.



For those who would like to read on... I am not going to write a traditional review with 5 star ratings for different categories. No, instead I am going to tell you why I like this movie. I really don't care if you agree with me or not but oh well - here it goes...

This wasn't a typical marvel movie - I walked into the theatre with low expectations but came out very satisfied.

As soon as the movie opens they are playing ACDC's Back in Black. That's already fucking cool! A couple of seconds later - army vehicles, guns and explosions! Holy Shit!

The whole movie has awesome technology - all the engineering, robotics and designs were cool to watch. A majority of the movie was spent watching Stark building the Iron Man suit and testing it.

A typical action flick usually has a cool car chase. This movie didn', it had a fucking PLANE CHASE. That's right - Iron Man being chased by two F-22 Raptors that's damn cool!

Now admittingly, the film lacked a lot of the action I was expecting to see. But I wasn't too disappointed - I know there is going to be a part 2 - and this movie had to set the direction of the story. It's a typical character building plot.

The action scenes this movie did have did not disappoint. A lot of Guns, Explosions, and even FLAMETHROWING! The music they chose was awesome for the scenes too. As I said above - they opened the movie with ACDC, popped in some Audioslave and ended the movie with Black Sabbath's - Iron Man (go figure). Needless to say the soundtrack kicks ass.

I also want to make the note that Iron Man is not your typical Superhero. Stark is a wise-cracking, scotch-downing weapons engineer who has an "eye-opening" experience that inspires him to build the ironman suit. Also note that common superheroes such as Batman, Superman, and Spiderman never kill anyone. Iron Man does - so that's also cool! Yeah!

Well - that's my review. If you really want a rating - go read official reviews. I don't care about that shit - I liked this movie and that's that. Now go watch it because I command you to do so!

--End Communication--

1 comment:

cvbxvner said...

LOL best review I've ever read

I think I'm gonna go watch it, assuming I can actually get tickets....and people to go watch it with me.

Dude I'm glad you've got a blog going, it gives me something to read while at work, score!!