Friday, October 17, 2008


I guess the title of my post is blasphemous to the material I want to show you. Check it out:

Exhibit A - When Religion fucks with your mind...ZAP!:

Now, I would say they were on drugs...however wouldn't that be hypocrisy?
I guess this is what happens when you get an overdose of faith.

It is, however, pretty damn's stuck in my head now....


--End Communication--

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Addiction at it's worst...

I am going to state right now at the very beginning that the reason why I have not updated this blog site is because I have an addiction...and that addiction is WoW.

It seems whenever I start back up with this nasty habit of hours of gaming I neglect a ton of other things in life that should not such thing is this blog.

Anyways, I think I am on another round of ditching the habit although I won't kid myself and say I quit forever, I expect to be back on next month when the expansion is released. Anyways, enough of that and lets see what I can talk about.

Since the last update a bunch of stuff has happened...lets see there was my birthday which marked another year away from Canada - not that I'm complaining about it. I had a slew of food and drink and a small family gathering at my condo that was fun. I ate (alot), drank (alot) and played a Halo 2 marathon with my buddy which lasted well over 12 hours. Fun times of course. Another thing to note is my WoW toon dinged 70 on my birthday too which is kinda cool in it's own geeky way. Anyways, 24 now...still feel and act like a kid...go figure.

Birthday up...1st Wedding Anniversary. My wife and I have now been officially married for 1 year as of October 13. I can hardly believe a year has passed already of being married but it has. If you are all going to ask how it feels etc. etc. The answer I give to you is - it's great. Married life has it's ups and downs of course - but it is in no way similar to the "horror" stories you see in movies or hear from your friends. Life continues and feels great knowing you have someone to share your moments with. When I look back a couple of years ago - I was the fat kid - who drank alone (every day) and spent every day/night playing video games...I would like to think that I have evolved...oh wait a minute I still do that...(jokes).

So, two major milestones (and some mini ones) completed within this last month...what's next? I have no idea...I am going to be going on a much deserved vacation next week to a place called Pagudpod. It's actually the same place I went on my honeymoon and it was awesome. I will be sure to post up some pics once I have them.

With all of the celebrating over the last month I have neglected my of course I have gained a few pounds back that I have worked so hard to lose. Well, the saying is..."two steps forward, one step back...". That's how I will look at it this time - I spent a few months losing about 30 lbs...and I only gained back about 8 so it's not so bad. Just time to get back on the bandwagon to start it up again. The important thing is not to let it get out of control again.

That's all from me for now...I PROMISE I will update again very soon - maybe a good old fashioned movie review. With me quitting WoW for the time being I will have some extra time.

--End Communication--

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Hey Loyal Readers (LOL!) Sorry I have been gone for so long - basically this is what happened...

About a month and a half ago I was making an ub3r-sick, pimp-tight blog about how shitty The Incredible Hulk was when I saw it. I spent a good amount of time thinking of all the curses and amount of abuse I could describe the movie with...when I was about done something happened (I have no idea what) but my whole blog disappeared...then 2 seconds later the blogger thing "autosaved" the blank area. Fuck! So there went all my work and basically discouraged me from posting for awhile.

But here I am with some updates and shit.

Well my quest to lose some weight is in fact succeeding. I started this plan June 1 at 22olbs and I am currently weighing in at 194lbs. so good drop. Especially with all the temptations and my super sedentary lifestyle here (aka. LAZYNESS) I haven't been going to the gym EVERYDAY but I have been watching what I eat and I try to go to the gym when it's not storming outside.

Speaking of that - it's "Rainy Season" here in the Philippines. Basically the Philippines has only 2 seasons. 1) Summer (where it gets too fucking hot) and 2) Rainy Season (Where we get blasted by typhoons and a number of consecutive days of raining). Here are some cool pics I took from my condo window. The pics were taken at 9AM (Should be very sunny).

Hmm...what else? Nothing much. I laid off of Warcraft for a bit - too expensive to pay in Pesos for 1. I bought an XBOX 360...played and beat GTA IV, Lego Star Wars and Call of Duty 4 so far. I am getting back into the console scene. I am finding it really fun again to just chill on the couch and play.

Well, I will cut it here and hope the blog doesn't delete itself again. I will be updating again since I have made peace with my innerself! HAHA!

--End Communication--

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Indiana Jones

It's been like 2 or 3 weeks since the release of: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I didn't have time to watch it when it came out but oh well the review comes better late than never.

So it's been almost 20 years since the last release of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade the final movie in the original Trilogy. So I figured before I saw the latest Jones movie I should refresh my memories and watch the originals. So I did.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is a classic movie - hands down. For me it was very nostalgic and brought me back to the days I watched it with my dad when I was only 2 or 3 years old.

Temple of Doom still good - especially for a sequel but there were some corny moments in it. This was a much darker movie than the first one. A lot of Devil worship, blood drinking and beating of children. Still a classic in the Trilogy.

Last Crusade - after recently seeing this one I noticed it was a bit more comedic than the other Jones movies but of course still decent quality - but a little over the top in some of the scenes. I mean - Indy dressed up as a Nazi gets an autograph from Hitler in the Grail Diary his army is trying to kill him for?? WTF!

All in all - the Trilogy is a classic. I can't think of a bigger Trilogy known in Movie history (other than Star Wars) that gets all the hype and fame.

So going back to the Review of The Crystal Skull. Well like all my reviews I am not going to waste both of our times with a structured and organized writing of the movie. I'll be blunt.

This was a good movie. Not the best - and not the worst. I didn't walk into the theatre with huge expectations as I know Harrison Ford is first of all pushing into his 70's. The only thing I could think of was how he was going to pull this role off. But he didn't disappoint - he was the same old Indiana Jones from before.

The movie - like the older ones - packed a lot of usual Indie action scenes and humor which was good to see.

The funny thing I noticed was that the first 3 movies were all in some way related to an artifact of god ... the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and some stone from one of the many Indian gods (i forgot). Naturally, I thought this was going to be similar - but NO! This movie went the extra distance this time and suggested that Aliens were our gods and the artifact (the crystal skull) was an ALIENS! WTF! Anyway - I guess it's fitting since we are in 2008 now with all these other mainstream religions like Scientology and shit popping up...

Anyways - the movie was GOOD. GO SEE IT! I think that if you go in with an open mind you will enjoy the movie regardless if you haven't seen the original three. In fact - if you haven't seen the original trilogy - this movie would probably be better. It had it's moments of cornyness but no where near as much as The Last Crusade or
The Temple of Doom.

--End Communication--

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Holy Jebus!

Imagine waking up to this son of a bitch....

Welcome to my home! In Philippines...spider kill You!

Anyways - It's been awhile since I have updated anything as my most avid reader has reminded me. I have been busy these last few weeks - mostly with work. However, I will not speak of this blasphemous "work" as it would be a sin against the religion of this blog. So - we will keep it at busy!

I have taken a taste of my own advice and got my ass back to the gym and eating a lot healthier. I would like to thank the simple comments of my bestest blogger buddies because those simple comments meant a lot to me - especially now. Anyways, back to the gym - but starting off slow. Slow is better than nothing tho - and I have been doing about 1 hour on the treadmill on 15 Incline everyday for the past week. The machine tells me 'm burning about 650 calories per session and I'm doing a total of KM. Once I get used to this again - I will start incorporating the weights and HIIT training I used to do when I was back in Canada. But like I steps... On an even further positive note - I quit drinking again - and both my Wife and I are eating the same healthy diet. It really helps a lot when there is someone who is eating properly with you.

I have also decided to split this blog off into different sections in an effort to be "creative". I will start segregating posts by the following:

1) Life: What the hell I am doing.

2) Reviews: Reviews of anything from Movies to Restaurants to Video Games.
3) Weight Loss/Training: Self Explanatory (but it will help me personally)

and finally -

4) A Day in the life of a WoW Addict

This will be something different as I try to embody my WoW character (from the beginning) and rant/rave and review anything and everything that I love and hate about the Video Game that has owned and eaten my soul for almost 4 years now. Stay Tuned!

Anyways - more posts to follow shortly. Take it easy!

--End Communication--

Sunday, May 18, 2008

4 out of 7

Well I personally believe that in the past week alone I have committed (at least) 4 out of the 7 deadly sins. Allow me to elaborate:

I'll start with Gluttony first. This weekend alone I managed to eat an entire 18" pizza by myself. That already makes me a glutton - but that's not all folks ... I think in this past week I have also downed approximately 25 bottles of beer (not in one sitting) but everyday I have gone down to the bar with co-workers and friends to pound back a few. Instead of being contented with a bottle or two - I usually end up hammering 10-12 bottles per sitting. On top of the drinking - each session usually includes eating some really greasy pork dish. Filipino's are really fond of pork so it is often the "pulutan" (beermate) of choice. Needless to say after this week's drinking/eating binge my body feels like shit. I also have a pain in my side that's not going away...I think I broke my liver.

Next on the chain of sins we have Lust. I am not going to elaborate on this one - but it goes hand in hand with the drinking. The more beers I have the more sex I want. And without getting into the intricate details...I've sinned a few to many times this week ...

Sloth. Well this sin has actually gone on for about 6 months or so. To sum up a long paragraph: I am a lazy bastard. Firstly, I have not gone to the gym since last year - which has screwed my entire physique that I once had before coming to the Philippines. Secondly, I live across the street from work and even then am too lazy to go in on time everyday. When I have to do things like go down to the convenience store (right in the lobby of our condo) or pay the bills (bank is like a 5 min walk from my condo) I find myself not wanting to go and have even ended up not paying a bill once or twice. I have pretty much isolated myself and my wife in our condo - we don't even go out really anymore...

Lastly - is Greed. I make a decent amount here in the Philippines but instead of using the money I make wisely (like to pay off bills etc.) it ends up buying my excessive amounts of booze and food. Again without giving too much boring details - I am wasting my money on selfish things.

So that's all - the other 3 sins I don't think I have committed yet (maybe someone can let me know). But I think the point of me realizing all this as well as blogging it will kind of let myself know that I need to do something about it. Hopefully in a future post I can write about how I feel proud that I know I am doing things right. I guess the change starts today - we'll see how it goes.

--End Communication--

A Little More Believable...

Now this makes more sense.

If the Transformers really did want to blend into our world quietly the following video illustrates some more subtle things they would hide inside.

Thanks to the maker of this video - it was awesome.

--End Communication--

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Typical Game Over Screen

What would YOU do if you saw this after trying so hard - but failing?

Thanks AVGN!

--End Communication--

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Internet is for What?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Ramblings of an Alcoholic

The other day I saw the movie Iron Man - and for those of you who have read my review - you know I loved it. For those of you who are thinking - "oh no, here comes more Iron Man worship" this entry is not going to be about the movie but about a subject which just got me thinking.

For those of you who have seen the movie you would no doubt have noticed that alcohol is very prevalent in it. I mean, comon, at the very start of the movie - Stark is sucking down some scotch as he is being escorted by the Military. He is drinking at his awards ceremony, he is drinking while on his way to a business presentation of the Jericho Missiles, he is drinking during (or right after) he gives his presentation, he drinks at home while working, he keeps hard liquor in his office, etc. etc.

Anyways - I know you're thinking who cares or what's the point - it's just a movie and he loves drinking...

A lot of movies often depict top management or CEO's as drinkers...often keeping bottles of the finest liquors in their offices and sucking back a shot or two while working or meeting. Usually this is no secret as their offices seem to have a little bar displayed for all.

I remember a time when I was a little kid and I was helping my dad with his Cleaning business and my job was to empty all the garbage's...I remember that out of all the offices we cleaned the top bosses offices always had huge bottles of Crowne Royal or some other type of nice hard liquor proudly displayed in their cabinets with shot glasses to match.

Now for those that know me - you know I am an avid fan of a hard alcoholic beverage, (preferably Rye or Vodka) but no matter how much I drink - I usually feel a nice buzz after a couple of hard shots or so.

Which brings me to the point of my ramblings...if the top guys of companies are always drinking - does that mean to say that a majority of business decisions or ideas that come from the top level are actually made drunk? If so - that's fucking scary! Take the example of Stark in Iron Man...are all the weapons that he designs actually thought up of when he could very well be drunk? I know that when I get drunk I think of some pretty crazy shit - and if I had the means to make my ideas come true I would. I can picture Stark absolutely ripped and thinking of something like: "I want to create a missile that when launched - separates into many missiles and can blow up even more shit"...then starts production!

I can tell you - the other day I was drunk and wanted to make a homemade flamethrower just after looking at a bottle of lighter fluid...and I can honestly tell you that if the materials were readily available I would have made it!

Anyways, in reality how many business decisions are actually influenced by alcohol? If you have time check out
this article about how drinking and work go hand in hand with each other. The basic point is that drinking makes you more sociable - which makes you more contacts - which makes you more money. I can't say I disagree with this.

The only problem I see - is that I think more decisions that are made when under the influence would be emotional rather than reasonable. An example of this can be seen from my own brother. I know that if he is sober he will never let me borrow any money. But if I ask to borrow some cash when he has been drinking he has no problem - sometimes giving me more than I need! I guess my point is that drinking can really flip someone's mood upside down. Imagine if I'm the president and after a few drinks with my buds the conversation moved to bombs and I just happened to think it would be "kick ass" to bomb the Philippines - so I do...I'm sure the next day I'd regret the decision but who the fuck cares 'cause at the time it was fun!

Of course I am going over the top with that example - but anyways just thought it would be fun to poke at...and for those of you reading your argument may be: "Hey they aren't drinking that much - it's not like they are drunk!" - well I know that - but my point is that even with that shot or two it's guaranteed to affect whatever mood they are in.

On another note - do you notice in movies that no matter how much people drink they always seem to be absolutely fine? With all the drinking Stark does in Iron Man I wouldn't think I would have the same reflexes and quick thinking he does like when getting shot at and stuff.

For all of those drinkers out there - keep on chuggin' and have one for me!

--End Communication--

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Iron Man

For those of you who don't want to waste their precious internet time reading a whole review and synopsis of Iron Man - I have written a review just for you.



For those who would like to read on... I am not going to write a traditional review with 5 star ratings for different categories. No, instead I am going to tell you why I like this movie. I really don't care if you agree with me or not but oh well - here it goes...

This wasn't a typical marvel movie - I walked into the theatre with low expectations but came out very satisfied.

As soon as the movie opens they are playing ACDC's Back in Black. That's already fucking cool! A couple of seconds later - army vehicles, guns and explosions! Holy Shit!

The whole movie has awesome technology - all the engineering, robotics and designs were cool to watch. A majority of the movie was spent watching Stark building the Iron Man suit and testing it.

A typical action flick usually has a cool car chase. This movie didn', it had a fucking PLANE CHASE. That's right - Iron Man being chased by two F-22 Raptors that's damn cool!

Now admittingly, the film lacked a lot of the action I was expecting to see. But I wasn't too disappointed - I know there is going to be a part 2 - and this movie had to set the direction of the story. It's a typical character building plot.

The action scenes this movie did have did not disappoint. A lot of Guns, Explosions, and even FLAMETHROWING! The music they chose was awesome for the scenes too. As I said above - they opened the movie with ACDC, popped in some Audioslave and ended the movie with Black Sabbath's - Iron Man (go figure). Needless to say the soundtrack kicks ass.

I also want to make the note that Iron Man is not your typical Superhero. Stark is a wise-cracking, scotch-downing weapons engineer who has an "eye-opening" experience that inspires him to build the ironman suit. Also note that common superheroes such as Batman, Superman, and Spiderman never kill anyone. Iron Man does - so that's also cool! Yeah!

Well - that's my review. If you really want a rating - go read official reviews. I don't care about that shit - I liked this movie and that's that. Now go watch it because I command you to do so!

--End Communication--

Friday, May 2, 2008

W00t! Free!

I scored free tickets to see --> tonight - I will be leaving in an hour or to come after.

I haven't seen a movie in the theatre for almost a year so this better not disappoint.

--End Communication--

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Perfect Representation


This first post will summarize my vision for this blog. I found the following from a cell phone forward and thought that it best describes the direction I will take this blog.

There is a dangerous virus being passed around electronically orally, and by hand. This virus is called Weary Overload Recreational Killer (WORK). If you received WORK from any of your colleagues, your boss, or anyone else by any means DO NOT TOUCH IT. This virus will wipe out your private life completely. If you should come into contact with WORK put your jacket on and take two good friends to the nearest grocery store. Purchase the antidote known as Work Isolation Neutralizer Extract (WINE) or Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter (BEER). Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system. You should forward this warning to 5 of your friends. If you do not have 5 friends you have already been infected.

In short, this will blog will be about anything and everything regarding life - EXCEPT the aspect of work. Look forward to personal opinions and reviews of the randomness of my everyday life both in reality and the virtual world.

My name is Aaron - I am 23 years old and I absolutely hate work.

--End Communication--