Friday, October 17, 2008


I guess the title of my post is blasphemous to the material I want to show you. Check it out:

Exhibit A - When Religion fucks with your mind...ZAP!:

Now, I would say they were on drugs...however wouldn't that be hypocrisy?
I guess this is what happens when you get an overdose of faith.

It is, however, pretty damn's stuck in my head now....


--End Communication--

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Addiction at it's worst...

I am going to state right now at the very beginning that the reason why I have not updated this blog site is because I have an addiction...and that addiction is WoW.

It seems whenever I start back up with this nasty habit of hours of gaming I neglect a ton of other things in life that should not such thing is this blog.

Anyways, I think I am on another round of ditching the habit although I won't kid myself and say I quit forever, I expect to be back on next month when the expansion is released. Anyways, enough of that and lets see what I can talk about.

Since the last update a bunch of stuff has happened...lets see there was my birthday which marked another year away from Canada - not that I'm complaining about it. I had a slew of food and drink and a small family gathering at my condo that was fun. I ate (alot), drank (alot) and played a Halo 2 marathon with my buddy which lasted well over 12 hours. Fun times of course. Another thing to note is my WoW toon dinged 70 on my birthday too which is kinda cool in it's own geeky way. Anyways, 24 now...still feel and act like a kid...go figure.

Birthday up...1st Wedding Anniversary. My wife and I have now been officially married for 1 year as of October 13. I can hardly believe a year has passed already of being married but it has. If you are all going to ask how it feels etc. etc. The answer I give to you is - it's great. Married life has it's ups and downs of course - but it is in no way similar to the "horror" stories you see in movies or hear from your friends. Life continues and feels great knowing you have someone to share your moments with. When I look back a couple of years ago - I was the fat kid - who drank alone (every day) and spent every day/night playing video games...I would like to think that I have evolved...oh wait a minute I still do that...(jokes).

So, two major milestones (and some mini ones) completed within this last month...what's next? I have no idea...I am going to be going on a much deserved vacation next week to a place called Pagudpod. It's actually the same place I went on my honeymoon and it was awesome. I will be sure to post up some pics once I have them.

With all of the celebrating over the last month I have neglected my of course I have gained a few pounds back that I have worked so hard to lose. Well, the saying is..."two steps forward, one step back...". That's how I will look at it this time - I spent a few months losing about 30 lbs...and I only gained back about 8 so it's not so bad. Just time to get back on the bandwagon to start it up again. The important thing is not to let it get out of control again.

That's all from me for now...I PROMISE I will update again very soon - maybe a good old fashioned movie review. With me quitting WoW for the time being I will have some extra time.

--End Communication--